Tag Archives: Energy

New Due Diligence Service Details

UMG have been appointed by several European Wealth Funds, Hedge Funds, and Private Investors to conduct Initial and Due Diligence Assessments for projects on their behalf. Whilst Mining & Minerals, and Energy projects are a major part of our activity, our funding facilitation service is potentially available to most technical or industrial projects too.

Visit our Project Funding Page to view an online presentation or to download a Pdf copy.

Agreement Between Universal Mining Group and CPC Engineering Group

A ground-breaking exclusive collaboration agreement has been signed between Universal Mining Group and CPC Engineering Group. This follows UMG’s due diligence assessment of CPC Engineering’s capabilities, aligned to strategic projects of international interest.

The resources of both groups can now be combined to harness their networks and mining engineering expertise in graphite, gold, nickel, copper, manganese and zinc projects. They provide a robust alternative to tier 1 consultants in cost, capex, opex and engineering fee terms.

Combining the core strengths of both organisations musters a multidisciplinary team of mining and engineering professionals to provide a complete service from Resource Definition and Pit Design to Processing and Metallurgy through to non-process infrastructure.  This agreement enables Universal Mining Group to provide a unique turnkey service for its clients with appropriate process guarantees.