Category Archives: Mining

World Class Cobalt & Lithium Project

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Universal Mining Group has secured a mandate to facilitate funding for a world class Cobalt and Lithium Project. Heads of Agreement were signed this week.

We seek EOIs from investors that wish to participate in this exciting opportunity. The funding round closes 3rd week August 2017.

Our client has a strong management team in place. Samples and drill results confirm high-grade Cobalt and Lithium respectively with exceptional Cobalt grades.Chairman and COO of the project are available at short notice for a conference call or face-to-face meetings.

Market Background

There is a growing demand for Li-ion batteries driven by electric vehicles (EVs) and a global shift to lower carbon emissions. Significant change is required in the upstream markets to prevent bottlenecks, cobalt is in the most critically short supply

  • Global EV demand growing at c. 50% per year – close to 1 million vehicles in 2017.Demand for Li-ion batteries increased tenfold to 2016 and is expected to grow at 38% CAGR (2016-2020).• Various battery technologies are in use – most require significant amounts of lithium, cobalt and graphite.
  • Demand for Li-ion batteries increased tenfold to 2016 and is expected to grow at 38% CAGR (2016-2020).Various battery technologies are in use – most require significant amounts of lithium, cobalt and graphite.
  • Various battery technologies are in use – most require significant amounts of lithium, cobalt and graphite.
    Demand for EV batteries alone will increase demand for lithium by 171%, cobalt by 74% and graphite by 41% measured as a proportion of estimated 2016 production (Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimate).
  • This places the greatest stress on supplies of cobalt – global demand for cobalt is estimated to double by 2030.

Almost all cobalt produced globally is a by-product of mining of other minerals – there are very few projects where cobalt is the primary element, and hence most projects have very low cobalt concentrations.

Project Profile

  • Mine development in stable jurisdictions; a quick and defined path to production.
  • Diversified and strong management team with extensive experience in speciality technology materials industry.
  • The multi-channel strategy provides a presence in up- and downstream battery material markets.
  • Production est. 6,000 tons contained metal p.a., US$350m annualized gross revenues at current prices.

Our client now seeking to raise US$6m to fund completion of resource and feasibility studies and ongoing business development.

Please contact or to discuss NDA terms in the first instance. A detailed presentation will be made available after signing an NDA, with access to drill results and samples thereafter once interest has been confirmed.

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New Due Diligence Service Details

UMG have been appointed by several European Wealth Funds, Hedge Funds, and Private Investors to conduct Initial and Due Diligence Assessments for projects on their behalf. Whilst Mining & Minerals, and Energy projects are a major part of our activity, our funding facilitation service is potentially available to most technical or industrial projects too.

Visit our Project Funding Page to view an online presentation or to download a Pdf copy.

Investors Required for Zinc & Nickel Projects

UMG Funding has been recently mandated to find investors for 2 zinc projects and 1 nickel project, one of the zinc projects is in the exploration phase, has historical feasibility and near-term production. The other Zinc project has a Pre-Feasibility Study completed and the resource has been defined to 43 101 code. The Sulphide Nickel project has a BFS completed, the Resource and Reserves are defined and support a 10-year mine life.

For more information and a confidential discussion please contact Peter Harrison via

In addition, we have just been mandated to find Uranium Projects that are in exploration phase or in Pre-Feasibility Study stage development project owners to discuss potential funding.